RESOLUTION TO AMEND THE DISTRICT 1-M CONSTITUTION & BYLAWS ARTICLE VII: MEETINGS, SECTION 2. ALTERNATIVE MEETING FORMATS has:   Passed! Vote was: 30 For the Resolution, and 0 Against the Resolution with 2 not voting. 100% passage!

Election results were:

Serving as Lions of Illinois Trustee (July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2023): PDG David M Johnson of Mattoon Lions Club 

Serving as 2nd Vice District Governor 2021-2022: Lion Amy Hill of the Paris Lions Club 

Serving as 1st Vice District Governor 2021-2022: PDG Scott Friese of the Stewardson Lions Club

And Our Newly Elected District 1-M Governor 2021-2022: Lion John Dotray of the Vandalia Lions Club

Congratulations to All of the Winners!!!

District 1-M Convention results